For example, governments fund and provide primary education for poor children to have access to learning. But if teachers are paid regardless of whether they report to work, and political trust in teachers to run their political campaigns, the result is absent teachers and poor children who can hardly read or write-the opposite of what was provided. We see similar government failures in HEALTH CARE, water, sanitation, electricity, transport, labor markets and trade policy.

To be sure, the empowerment of the poor with the information is not easy. First, many working 15 hours a day just to make ends meet. Hoping to attend village meetings or read the newspaper or listen to the radio is not easy.

Mainly, but not exclusively, the reduction depends African increase poverty
The growth in Africa. Africa currently faces its best chance of growth
commodity boom of the mid-1970s in African interim economic
performance was worse than that of any other region. The explanation for this is not
the economic performance of Africa is fundamentally different from other parts, but rather
that the African geographical allocations are distinctive.
As regards the physical geography of Africa is not only distinctive, but their countries are
differentiated. The majority of African populations landlocked, resource-poor
Countries compared to neighboring countries, scarce resources alone represents a
percentage point of the growth rate in Africa than in other regions. Also, because
opportunities differ between the strategies of the region must be differentiated. this is true
what is that African governments should be considered as critical priorities and outside
actors can do to help. With regard to the human geography of Africa is distinctive, but it is not so
differentiated. Most African countries have small populations and yet are ethnically
different. A corollary of small countries is that Africa has been found in both policy reform and
internal security more difficult than in other regions. Progress Fortunately, Africa has made
both problems: it is hoped, the small country problem only helps account
the recent past with the problems of Africa, not its future. A corollary is that the ethnic diversity
Democracy is more important for economic performance, and that the domain of
public sector should be small and decentralized. Again, these can be problems
the past, the region has partially democratized, has reduced the size of government and
decentralized expenditure. Therefore, recent developments are encouraging in some respects
Distinctive geography of Africa may be more important in explaining their past, in
predict its future. However, the interactions of the physical and human geography have
insoluble and created serious problems that still need to be addressed and
probably need both the regional and international action.
One is how to manage resource rents in the context of ethnic diversity. more
an adequate system of government is a design that these countries tend not to have: strong checks and
balances on how governments can use the energy and decentralized public spending. This is a
political challenge for resource-rich African states. The international community can
do much to help African countries build the necessary checks and balances by establishing models, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and
the reform of banking secrecy for misappropriation of rents from resources more difficult. in
these were rich in resources that the international community can have more space for poverty
reduction through these government policies through its traditional dependence on aid.
The second problem is how to compete with Asia while being able to reach Asia decisive
forward. International action is required to give Coastal a second Africa poor
opportunities for temporary preferential market access that offsets the Asian economies
agglomeration. For these countries, international trade policies may be more important for
poverty reduction that extra help, or at least be a useful supplement to help.
The third problem is the propensity to violent internal conflict. Due to the large regional
economic externalities, this is a regional problem. However, there may be scope to extend
maintaining peace and international security guarantees, with a recent model of military
support to Sierra Leone Britain. Such interventions may need security
become an integral part of the international strategy for poverty reduction in Africa.
The fourth, and perhaps less tractable problem is that most of the African population
live in the states, poor landlocked. I talked about how, because these were
have multiple forms of addiction neighbors, Africa needs a strong regional
political architecture that can internalize these externalities. Although a large number of regional
and sub-regional institutions, African states have so far been willing to give sufficient
sovereignty in order to make them effective (Collier, forthcoming). In the absence of a regional
political solution, the international community must rethink its aid strategy. these
countries currently without a realistic chance of achieving the levels of middle income
development. Therefore, they are at the epicenter of a future problem of poverty. Therefore, poverty
reduction of these companies are likely to need large flows and sustained help, not so much
Investment in economic development, but rather with the direct increase in consumption
levels. Currently there is no class or support a mechanism for the sustained delivery
poor people. Humanitarian aid, which in reality is directly aimed at raising the consumption
It was designed exclusively to meet the short-term emergencies. The long-term support, while aiming to
low-income countries, it is currently intended to increase revenue. The international community
has not yet addressed the prospect that, even with our best efforts of these companies are likely to
be low income for a long time.
Epidemic why this country only :
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976.
The growth in Africa. Africa currently faces its best chance of growth
commodity boom of the mid-1970s in African interim economic
performance was worse than that of any other region. The explanation for this is not
the economic performance of Africa is fundamentally different from other parts, but rather
that the African geographical allocations are distinctive.
As regards the physical geography of Africa is not only distinctive, but their countries are
differentiated. The majority of African populations landlocked, resource-poor
Countries compared to neighboring countries, scarce resources alone represents a
percentage point of the growth rate in Africa than in other regions. Also, because
opportunities differ between the strategies of the region must be differentiated. this is true
what is that African governments should be considered as critical priorities and outside
actors can do to help. With regard to the human geography of Africa is distinctive, but it is not so
differentiated. Most African countries have small populations and yet are ethnically
different. A corollary of small countries is that Africa has been found in both policy reform and
internal security more difficult than in other regions. Progress Fortunately, Africa has made
both problems: it is hoped, the small country problem only helps account
the recent past with the problems of Africa, not its future. A corollary is that the ethnic diversity

public sector should be small and decentralized. Again, these can be problems
the past, the region has partially democratized, has reduced the size of government and
decentralized expenditure. Therefore, recent developments are encouraging in some respects
Distinctive geography of Africa may be more important in explaining their past, in
predict its future. However, the interactions of the physical and human geography have
insoluble and created serious problems that still need to be addressed and
probably need both the regional and international action.
One is how to manage resource rents in the context of ethnic diversity. more
an adequate system of government is a design that these countries tend not to have: strong checks and
balances on how governments can use the energy and decentralized public spending. This is a
political challenge for resource-rich African states. The international community can
do much to help African countries build the necessary checks and balances by establishing models, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and
the reform of banking secrecy for misappropriation of rents from resources more difficult. in
these were rich in resources that the international community can have more space for poverty
reduction through these government policies through its traditional dependence on aid.
The second problem is how to compete with Asia while being able to reach Asia decisive
forward. International action is required to give Coastal a second Africa poor
opportunities for temporary preferential market access that offsets the Asian economies
agglomeration. For these countries, international trade policies may be more important for
poverty reduction that extra help, or at least be a useful supplement to help.
The third problem is the propensity to violent internal conflict. Due to the large regional
economic externalities, this is a regional problem. However, there may be scope to extend
maintaining peace and international security guarantees, with a recent model of military
support to Sierra Leone Britain. Such interventions may need security
become an integral part of the international strategy for poverty reduction in Africa.
The fourth, and perhaps less tractable problem is that most of the African population
live in the states, poor landlocked. I talked about how, because these were
have multiple forms of addiction neighbors, Africa needs a strong regional
political architecture that can internalize these externalities. Although a large number of regional
and sub-regional institutions, African states have so far been willing to give sufficient
sovereignty in order to make them effective (Collier, forthcoming). In the absence of a regional
political solution, the international community must rethink its aid strategy. these
countries currently without a realistic chance of achieving the levels of middle income
development. Therefore, they are at the epicenter of a future problem of poverty. Therefore, poverty
reduction of these companies are likely to need large flows and sustained help, not so much
Investment in economic development, but rather with the direct increase in consumption
levels. Currently there is no class or support a mechanism for the sustained delivery
poor people. Humanitarian aid, which in reality is directly aimed at raising the consumption
It was designed exclusively to meet the short-term emergencies. The long-term support, while aiming to
low-income countries, it is currently intended to increase revenue. The international community
has not yet addressed the prospect that, even with our best efforts of these companies are likely to
be low income for a long time.
Epidemic why this country only :
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, and has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976.
In fact, the current epidemic sweeping across the region has now killed more than all other known Ebola outbreaks combined.
Up to 23 November, 5,689 people had been reported as having died from the disease in six countries; Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the United States and Mali.
The total number of reported cases is in excess of 15,000.
Ebola virus causes an acute serious illness that is often fatal if left untreated. Ebola virus disease ( EVD ) appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks , one in Nzara , Sudan, and the other in Yambuku , the Democratic Republic of Congo. It took place in a village near the Ebola River , the disease gets its name.
The current epidemic in West Africa , (first cases reported in March 2014 ), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this epidemic that all the others combined . She also between countries from Guinea then spread across the land borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveler only) in Nigeria, and by land (1 traveler) in Senegal.
The current epidemic in West Africa , (first cases reported in March 2014 ), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this epidemic that all the others combined . She also between countries from Guinea then spread across the land borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveler only) in Nigeria, and by land (1 traveler) in Senegal.
The most affected countries, Guinea , Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems , which lack the human resources and infrastructure, have recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. August 8 , WHO Director-General declared a public health emergency of international concern this epidemic.
The family of filoviruses includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus , Marburg , Ebola and . There are 5 species were identified: Zaire , Bundibugyo , Sudan, Reston and Tai forest . The first 3 Bundibugyo Ebola virus , Ebola Zaire and Sudan Ebola virus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus that causes 2014 epidemic in West Africa belongs to the species Zaire.
The family of filoviruses includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus , Marburg , Ebola and . There are 5 species were identified: Zaire , Bundibugyo , Sudan, Reston and Tai forest . The first 3 Bundibugyo Ebola virus , Ebola Zaire and Sudan Ebola virus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus that causes 2014 epidemic in West Africa belongs to the species Zaire.
A Ebola outbreak without separate report began Boende , Ecuador, a secluded part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It is believed that the fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae are natural reservoirs of Ebola virus. Ebola is introduced into the human population in close contact with the blood, secretions , organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals such as chimpanzees , gorillas, fruit bats , monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found dead or sick or in the rainforest.
Ebola is then propagated through the man -person transmission by direct contact ( through the skin or mucous membranes ) with the blood, secretions , organs or other bodily fluids of infected persons, and with surfaces and materials (eg , bedding, clothing) contaminated with fluids .
People are infectious as their blood and body fluids , including semen and breast milk contain the virus. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through semen up to 7 weeks after recovery from the disease.
People are infectious as their blood and body fluids , including semen and breast milk contain the virus. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through semen up to 7 weeks after recovery from the disease.
Health workers have frequently been infected while treating patients suspected or confirmed EVD . This took place in close contact with patients when control measures of infection are not strictly practice.
Burial ceremonies where mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased may also play a role in the transmission of Ebola virus.
Symptoms of the disease Ebola
The incubation period , which is the time interval from the virus infection to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days . Humans are not contagious until they develop symptoms . The first symptoms are sudden onset of fatigue, fever, muscle aches, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting , diarrhea , rashes , symptoms of renal and hepatic function is impaired , and in some cases , internal and external bleeding (eg oozing gums, blood in the stool ) . Laboratory findings include low white blood cell counts and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.
The incubation period , which is the time interval from the virus infection to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days . Humans are not contagious until they develop symptoms . The first symptoms are sudden onset of fatigue, fever, muscle aches, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting , diarrhea , rashes , symptoms of renal and hepatic function is impaired , and in some cases , internal and external bleeding (eg oozing gums, blood in the stool ) . Laboratory findings include low white blood cell counts and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.
Ebola virus causes an acute serious illness that is often fatal if left untreated. Ebola virus disease ( EVD ) appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks , one in Nzara , Sudan, and the other in Yambuku , the Democratic Republic of Congo. It took place in a village near the Ebola River , the disease gets its name.
The current epidemic in West Africa , (first cases reported in March 2014 ), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this epidemic that all the others combined . She also between countries from Guinea then spread across the land borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveler only) in Nigeria, and by land (1 traveler) in Senegal.
The current epidemic in West Africa , (first cases reported in March 2014 ), is the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the Ebola virus was discovered in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this epidemic that all the others combined . She also between countries from Guinea then spread across the land borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, by air (1 traveler only) in Nigeria, and by land (1 traveler) in Senegal.
The most affected countries, Guinea , Sierra Leone and Liberia have very weak health systems , which lack the human resources and infrastructure, have recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability. August 8 , WHO Director-General declared a public health emergency of international concern this epidemic.
The family of filoviruses includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus , Marburg , Ebola and . There are 5 species were identified: Zaire , Bundibugyo , Sudan, Reston and Tai forest . The first 3 Bundibugyo Ebola virus , Ebola Zaire and Sudan Ebola virus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus that causes 2014 epidemic in West Africa belongs to the species Zaire.
The family of filoviruses includes 3 genera: Cuevavirus , Marburg , Ebola and . There are 5 species were identified: Zaire , Bundibugyo , Sudan, Reston and Tai forest . The first 3 Bundibugyo Ebola virus , Ebola Zaire and Sudan Ebola virus have been associated with large outbreaks in Africa. The virus that causes 2014 epidemic in West Africa belongs to the species Zaire.
A Ebola outbreak without separate report began Boende , Ecuador, a secluded part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It is believed that the fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae are natural reservoirs of Ebola virus. Ebola is introduced into the human population in close contact with the blood, secretions , organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals such as chimpanzees , gorillas, fruit bats , monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found dead or sick or in the rainforest.
Ebola is then propagated through the man -person transmission by direct contact ( through the skin or mucous membranes ) with the blood, secretions , organs or other bodily fluids of infected persons, and with surfaces and materials (eg , bedding, clothing) contaminated with fluids .
People are infectious as their blood and body fluids , including semen and breast milk contain the virus. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through semen up to 7 weeks after recovery from the disease.
People are infectious as their blood and body fluids , including semen and breast milk contain the virus. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through semen up to 7 weeks after recovery from the disease.
Health workers have frequently been infected while treating patients suspected or confirmed EVD . This took place in close contact with patients when control measures of infection are not strictly practice.
Burial ceremonies where mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased may also play a role in the transmission of Ebola virus.
Symptoms of the disease Ebola
The incubation period , which is the time interval from the virus infection to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days . Humans are not contagious until they develop symptoms . The first symptoms are sudden onset of fatigue, fever, muscle aches, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting , diarrhea , rashes , symptoms of renal and hepatic function is impaired , and in some cases , internal and external bleeding (eg oozing gums, blood in the stool ) . Laboratory findings include low white blood cell counts and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.
The incubation period , which is the time interval from the virus infection to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days . Humans are not contagious until they develop symptoms . The first symptoms are sudden onset of fatigue, fever, muscle aches, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting , diarrhea , rashes , symptoms of renal and hepatic function is impaired , and in some cases , internal and external bleeding (eg oozing gums, blood in the stool ) . Laboratory findings include low white blood cell counts and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.
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